Sunday 29 November 2015


When I logged into my blog today, I saw 10 people had viewed it! You may all be creepy stalkers or admin, but I consider it an achievement none the less. Now, to business. I felt like I had to share with the world one of my greatest struggles. I admit it is very much a first world problem. And that probably no-one will find this interesting. But here we go!

When reaching the end of term or the school year, do you suffer from chronic tiredness? Or feel like time is going twice as slow? Does everything seem boring? And of course, do feel like you are coming down with something and need a day off school? It's probably End-Of-Term-Itis. It's a valid condition. I promise.

Some are lucky and get it only at the end of the year. Others don't even catch it at all. But for those of us who are not blessed by the gods of the education system, we get it four times a year. It's spread by the complaints of classmates and the excessive homework setting of teachers. The illness lasts for about three weeks preceding the end of term. And the cure? Nothing other than the arrival of the holidays. So the best you can do is moan about it to anyone who will listen and pass it on to them. It's a vicious cycle.

I honestly feel like term will never end. I don't know about you, but my teachers keep the students working right up to the end of term. Even after exams. Summer really can't come soon enough. If you can relate in any way let me know in the comments! I would love to hear from you guys.

Até Logo, Lily

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