Monday, 2 January 2017


Hi guys!

The new year comes with all kinds of change, but rather than thinking about it, I'll just write a post about one of the constants in my life. Brothers.

I have three brothers, one older, two younger. I love them all a lot, but they all have an uncanny ability to drive me up the wall. Sometimes I feel like a lone knight that must weather the trials of my siblings in solitude. I have also been asked every single variant of the question, 'don't you wish you had a sister?' about a million times. (The answer is I have never known any different, but I do wish I could have a sister to share clothes with)

But I thought instead of complaining about them, I would share my knowledge about how I deal with them. So ladies and gentlemen, here is...

Lily's Totally Reliable Guide: The Do's and Don'ts of Brothers

Brother #1: Dominating Dunderhead

Do: Take time that is not tainted by arguments to say something genuine or nice. Believe it or not, teenage boys are sometimes as unsure of themselves as teenage girls!

Don't: Let them walk all over you. As soon as you start following their orders, they'll walk over you. Say, 'don't tell me what to do, it isn't your job' and walk away. It's also important to not get angry, so you have the moral high ground when parents get involved.
How do you stay calm? Just mutter some variant of 'I am one with the force and the force is with me' over and over and you'll be absolutely fine.

Also don't throw a pineapple at them. I speak from experience when I say they will never let you hear the end of it.

Brother #2: The 13 year old smart aleck

Do: Spend time making jokes and having a good time with them, as the arguments aren't nearly as bad when you have a bank of inside jokes to draw from. You should also enjoy this time before they dive into the depths of teenagehood.

Don't: Get angry and insult them. My brother is a very sensitive soul inside, and a few choice words about his appearance can make him really hurt. I have seen my older brother do it and it is not nice. Remember you need to be the bigger person and you have the power to deflect the argument into something positive.

Brother #3: Constant Crier

Do: Remember that babies are not in control of their actions and don't have a long term memory. So just enjoy time with them before they learn how to hold a grudge.

Don't: Get angry. Just pass him on to someone else or leave him in his bed for a while. He can't hurt himself there. You may wonder how it is possible to get angry at a three month old baby, but I assure you it is very easy when they have been screaming in your ear for a quarter of an hour.

So there you have it folks! You are now equipped to deal with any kind of brother. Now you are prepared if your parents decide to adopt or just spring out a surprise third one like they did to me.

I hope all of you are having the most lovely holidays ever and I hope you have an amazing 2017!

Goodbye, But not for long!


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