Sunday, 20 November 2016


I have a voice.
A muse.
A friend.

She keeps me out of trouble,
and I'm really thankful.

Kind of.

Doubt is there when I get too confident.
She's there to bring me down to earth when I get caught up in oversized plans.

But I admit she can be a bit of a problem.

She reminds me I can't quite
speak in class.
Stand up for myself.

I guess she is more than a bit of a problem.
I want her to leave, but then I have doubts.

or maybe that's doubt talking.

'Leave!' I say.
'You need me here,' she replies.

Maybe she's right.

Is she?
Or isn't she?

I don't know anymore.

That's what doubt can do to you.

But today, somehow, feels different.
I get up and stand in front of my mirror.
The girl staring back is ...


And Loved.

Yes. That girl is me.

And then I wait for doubt's reply.

But I hear only silence, that is my confirmation.


Hi guys! I just felt really inspired to write this for all of the people like me, who doubt themselves.
Remember, you are amazing, and you can stop doubt holding you back.

Love from Lily xoxo

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